What our customers say ..

Daniel Hornischer

The link to our component database enables the creation of parts lists much faster. With this step we can save at least 50% time.

work preparation
March 6, 2017

Marco Schoenefeld

The EFA inline solution convinced us with the automatic image creation. We can easily inspect batch sizes from 0 to 1000 with EFA Inspection.

executive Director
October 27, 2017

Marco Schoenefeld

With EFA Inspection in combination with the EFA Inline device, we can easily inspect batch sizes from 0 to 1000 with EFA Inspection.

executive Director
October 27, 2017

Waltraud Aumüller

This type of control (Augmented Reality Inspection) reduces our downtime of the production lines!

March 6, 2017

Reto Lempen

First of all, we were impressed by the simple handling.

Production Engineer, Test & Final Assembly
April 29, 2014

Waltraud Aumüller

Since we insist on an initial inspection prior to SMD soldering, we are now using the EFA inspection system there specifically so that consequential errors can be excluded in advance. In addition, this type of control reduces our downtimes of the production lines.

March 6, 2017

Volker Linde

With the camera system, the system is in a technically better state than comparable solutions, is user-friendly and offers a wide range of uses.

executive Director
September 6, 2013

Klaus Gassen

Durch den Einsatz der EFA können wir SMT-Linienfreigaben viel schneller erreichen.

Leiter Produktion
19. March 2021

Thorsten Libera

Assembly changes are now easier to integrate into the current module data.

work preparation
March 6, 2017

Klaus Gassen

Die EFA bietet das beste Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Der sehr gute Service und die Betreuung durch die Firma Lebert runden das System für uns ab!

Leiter Produktion
19. March 2021

Employees from the test field

Working with EFA Inspection saves a lot of time. In addition, we have all information ready immediately.

July 22, 2020

Florian Berzl

We were also able to train people who usually do not carry out an optical inspection. This means that each shift can easily monitor its own process steps.

quality management
November 6, 2013

Timo Stöhr

Overall, an improvement in affected processes was achieved through significant time savings. In addition, the system enables faulty placement to be found reliably and thus contributes to general process optimization.

Technische Arbeitsvorbereitung
July 22, 2020

Volker Linde

EFA Inspection is indispensable as a sales argument for EMS service providers in the small and medium-sized quantities segment.

executive Director
September 6, 2013

Florian Berzl

We can also incorporate persons into the operation, who usually do not carry out an optical inspection. This means that each shift can easily monitor its own process steps

quality management
November 6, 2013

Daniel Hornischer

Compared to a system with a scanner, the EFA device saves time when setting up and taking pictures.

work preparation
March 6, 2017

Roland Holderried

This system has been shown to reduce the time spent on revisions and initial sample inspections by up to 80%. The production has not only gained valuable production time, but also secures the quality of the products through a predefined process.

AOI systems engineer
August 16, 2013

Thorsten Libera

Our processes are now much faster.

work preparation
March 6, 2017

Sabrina Frühinsfeld

The flexibility with which we can adapt EFA Inspection to our process is an important factor for us.

October 27, 2017

Volker Linde

Our wide range of components, designs and assemblies can be covered with the camera system in good resolution.

executive Director
September 6, 2013

Timo Stöhr

In EFA Inspection we have been able to import all different customer formats. The purely digital preparation for production and testing has become significantly more reliable and enables a completely new view of the customer's product.

July 22, 2020

Daniel Hornischer

The functions for work preparation convinced us. Our processes are noticeably optimized.

work preparation
March 6, 2017

Marco Schoenefeld

The different formats of customer data can be converted into a standard format for production with EFA.

executive Director
October 27, 2017

Reto Lempen

With EFA Inspection, we were able to achieve significant time savings together with a significant increase in quality and process reliability.

Production Engineer, Test & Final Assembly
April 29, 2014

Klaus Gassen

Ein weiterer Vorteil von EFA ist, dass wir die qualitativ sehr hochwertigen Fotos in SAP abspeichern und somit den Freigabeprozess archivieren und nachvollziehbar machen.

Leiter Produktion
19. March 2021

Rolf-Dieter Haake

In addition to the enormous time savings, we have also achieved standardization of the production documents. As a side effect, the work processes are of course also standardized. This has a direct influence on the further production steps in the company.


Technical Manager
September 6, 2012

Theo Schelasni

In no time it is clear which components are already in stock.

July 22, 2020

Rolf-Dieter Haake

In addition to the time savings of more than 50% in the work preparation, this process offers additional security when comparing the customer data, which very much meets our high quality standards. In addition to the enormous time savings, we have also achieved a standardization of the production documents.

Technical Manager
September 6, 2012

Rolf-Dieter Haake

In addition to the time saving of more than 50% in the work preparation, this process offers additional security when comparing customer data, which is very good for our high quality standards.

Technical Manager
September 6, 2012

Reto Lempen

This guided inspection gives us the assurance that the inspector has inspected and evaluated each component. There are no items to forget. With EFA Inspection, we were able to achieve significant time savings along with a significant increase in quality and process reliability.

Production Engineer, Test & Final Assembly
April 29, 2014

Florian Berzl

Complaints no longer exist.

quality management
November 6, 2013

Volker Linde

The time required for the optical inspection went down landslide! This significant change in the optical inspection process had an impact on the entire production throughput process.

executive Director
September 6, 2013

Thorsten Libera

By linking with our component database, the creation of parts lists is much faster. At this step we can save at least 50% time!

work preparation
March 6, 2017

Sabrina Frühinsfeld

The flexibility with which we can tailor EFA Inspection to our process is an important factor for us. The saved time savings directly affect the quality of our products.

October 27, 2017


EFA SmartSuite
Industry solution
EFA Smart Suite
With a tried and tested time saving of ..
EFA Microscope
a complete circuit board
EFA Picture

Inline and desktop devices

Augmented reality

Headup display for electronics production

What drives us ..

ARI nach Sachnummern
Bild ist nicht verfügbar

A automatic optical inspection cannot take advantage of the automatic inspection for small series, prototypes or initial samples.

As an effective method, the Augmented reality inspection according to part numbers established.

A automatic optical inspection can not exploit the advantage of automatic inspection for small batches, prototypes or initial samples. Due to the long programming times, the AOI quickly becomes a bottleneck!

As an effective method, the Augmented reality inspection according to part numbers established. Due to the greater involvement of the operator in the inspection process can be dispensed with complex programs.

EFA inline at the Witten location of the company proServ electronic GmbH

Augmented Reality Inspection
according to part numbers
Kanzlerin Merkel
Industry 4.0:
Chancellor Merkel looks at EFA inline

Detail of the Youtube movie on the visit of the Chancellor to Siemens at the Amberg electronics factory in February 2015

(hl: Fabian Adler, CEO Joe Kaeser, Chancellor Angela Merkel, from left: Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Büttner)

85% Zeiteinsparung

Line release in just 15% of the past time!

Up to
Time saving during an initial sample inspection ..